Cineplex Ordered to Pay $38.9M: Fine For Deceptive Marketing Practices Imposed by the Competition Tribunal

Cineplex, one of Canada’s most well-known cinema chains, has recently made headlines for all the wrong reasons. In a decision that shook the entertainment industry, the Competition Tribunal ordered the company to pay a whopping $38.9 million in penalties related to ticket fees. But what exactly led to this? Was this ruling fair, and how will it impact consumers moving forward?

In this article, we’ll break down the whole story, from the details of the case to the potential ramifications. We’ll also dig into how this could affect your next movie night and what changes might be in store for Cineplex.

What Led to the Cineplex Fine?

So, how did Cineplex end up with such a massive fine? It all comes down to hidden fees, which have long been a hot topic among Canadian regulators. Cineplex was charging customers additional fees on top of the advertised ticket prices when purchasing online or through their mobile app.

The Hidden Fee Controversy

This case largely revolves around what’s often referred to as “drip pricing.” Drip pricing occurs when consumers see one price at the beginning of their purchase process but face additional charges—like convenience fees or service fees—before completing the transaction. Sound familiar? You’ve probably encountered this when buying concert tickets, booking flights, or, as in this case, purchasing movie tickets.

What Did Cineplex Do?

Cineplex was charging customers extra fees when they purchased tickets online or via their mobile app, which many consumers were unhappy about. While the initial ticket price would be advertised as, say, $12, by the time you were ready to hit the “confirm purchase” button, it could easily be $15 or $16. These added fees caught the attention of regulators, leading to an investigation by the Competition Bureau.

The Role of the Competition Tribunal

The Competition Tribunal is a quasi-judicial body in Canada responsible for dealing with cases related to anti-competitive practices. In this case, they were brought in to determine if Cineplex’s pricing practices violated Canadian competition laws.

The Verdict: $38.9M Fine

After months of deliberation, the Competition Tribunal ruled that Cineplex had indeed misled consumers by failing to disclose the full price upfront. As a result, Cineplex was ordered to pay $38.9 million—a penalty meant to serve as both punishment and deterrence.

How Did Cineplex Respond?

Unsurprisingly, Cineplex wasn’t too happy about the ruling. The company released a statement defending its practices, arguing that the extra fees were clearly outlined during the checkout process. They also emphasized that online purchases provided extra convenience, which justifies the added costs.

Will Cineplex Appeal?

While Cineplex hasn’t confirmed whether they’ll appeal the ruling, it’s certainly a possibility. Given the size of the fine and the implications for their business model, an appeal would allow them to continue fighting the case in hopes of reducing the penalty or overturning the ruling altogether.

What Does This Mean for Consumers?

If you’ve ever bought a movie ticket from Cineplex, you’ve probably noticed those annoying extra fees tacked on at the end. So, what does this ruling mean for you, the movie-goer?

Lower Ticket Fees?

One immediate question is whether Cineplex will lower or eliminate these extra charges moving forward. The Tribunal’s ruling is a clear signal that businesses need to be transparent about their pricing from the get-go, meaning we could see changes in how ticket prices are advertised and calculated.

Better Transparency

At the very least, this case should lead to greater transparency across not just Cineplex but other businesses using similar pricing tactics. Consumers are getting fed up with being hit with unexpected fees, and regulators are starting to take action. This ruling could set a precedent for other industries where drip pricing is prevalent.

The Broader Impact on the Entertainment Industry

While this ruling is a big deal for Cineplex, it also sends a message to the broader entertainment industry. Concert promoters, sports venues, and even streaming services may need to rethink how they structure and advertise their fees.

Could Other Companies Face Similar Fines?

Yes! The Competition Bureau has made it clear that they’re going after businesses that use misleading pricing tactics. Cineplex may be the most recent example, but there are plenty of other companies—both within and outside the entertainment industry—that could be next in line.

Why Is Drip Pricing a Problem?

You might wonder why drip pricing is such a big deal. After all, aren’t fees a normal part of doing business? While that’s true, the issue with drip pricing is that it misleads consumers. By advertising one price but charging another, companies create a sense of distrust and frustration among their customers.

Misleading the Customer

When you see a price online, you expect that’s the price you’ll pay, right? Drip pricing flips that expectation. Consumers feel like they’re being tricked, which is why regulators are stepping in to stop these practices.

Impact on Competition

Drip pricing also hurts competition. If one company advertises a lower price but adds hidden fees, they may appear cheaper than their competitors—until you get to the checkout screen. This practice can distort the market and prevent consumers from making informed choices.

How Can You Avoid Hidden Fees?

Now that we know more about Cineplex’s situation, you might be wondering how to protect yourself from hidden fees when making purchases online.

Look for All-Inclusive Pricing

Whenever possible, look for businesses that offer all-inclusive pricing. Some companies are upfront about all their fees from the start, so you won’t face any surprises at checkout.

Compare Final Costs

If you’re shopping around, don’t just compare the initial prices. Make sure to take into account the total cost once all fees have been added. You might find that the company with the “cheapest” ticket price is actually more expensive after all the fees are included.

Check for Fee-Free Payment Options

Some businesses charge fees depending on how you pay. For example, they might add an extra charge for using a credit card or a mobile app. Always check to see if there are fee-free payment options to avoid those hidden costs.

Could This Affect Future Movie Prices?

While the fine itself won’t immediately impact ticket prices, it’s possible that Cineplex could make adjustments to cover the cost of the penalty. In the short term, this could lead to higher ticket prices across the board.

A Shift in Pricing Strategies?

Cineplex—and other businesses—may need to rethink their pricing strategies entirely. Rather than risk another costly lawsuit, companies might start incorporating fees directly into their advertised prices, offering a more transparent shopping experience for consumers.

What Happens Next?

With the ruling now in place, Cineplex is left to either comply or appeal. Either way, the impact of this decision is likely to be felt across the entertainment industry.

The Future of Cineplex

Cineplex will likely face increased scrutiny from both regulators and consumers moving forward. As one of Canada’s largest entertainment providers, the company will need to find ways to rebuild trust and ensure their pricing practices align with legal standards.

Potential Industry-Wide Changes

The entertainment industry may also need to start embracing more transparent pricing models. If this case is any indication, regulators are more than willing to take action against companies that use deceptive pricing tactics. This could lead to a shift in how fees are advertised and calculated across various sectors.


The $38.9 million fine handed down to Cineplex by the Competition Tribunal is a wake-up call for businesses using drip pricing. While this ruling specifically targets Cineplex, its ripple effects could be felt far beyond the movie industry. The message is clear: transparency in pricing isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s a legal necessity. Moving forward, both companies and consumers alike will need to navigate this new landscape where hidden fees are no longer tolerated.


1. What is the Cineplex fine about?

The fine relates to hidden ticket fees Cineplex charged customers who purchased tickets online or via mobile app, which the Competition Tribunal deemed misleading.

2. Will Cineplex appeal the decision?

Cineplex has not confirmed if they’ll appeal the ruling, but given the size of the fine, it’s possible.

3. How can I avoid hidden fees when buying tickets?

Look for all-inclusive pricing and always review the final cost before completing your purchase.

4. Will this affect ticket prices at Cineplex?

While the fine doesn’t directly impact ticket prices, Cineplex might adjust its pricing strategy to cover the penalty.

5. Can other companies face similar fines?

Yes, the Competition Bureau is cracking down on misleading pricing practices across multiple industries, so other companies could be fined as well.

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